Army Troops Flood NYC’s Subway… As Crime Spikes



“Crime is down, but murder, assault and burglary is up.”

What is down? Loitering and public urination?

If you were a governor of the state, and you have to deploy the National Guard to your subways, you have failed…..


  1. NY and NYC have no choice but to turn to army troops. Their trains, buses and subways have been over-run by violent criminals whether those criminals are Illegals, foreign nation terrorists or whatever, all of whom illegally entered America. The entire purpose of the invasion is to destroy Americans, and it worked. America is completely trashed.

    • Why doesn’t your comment state that the LIBERALS are the culprits who opened our borders and invited the uncivilized, unruly, uneducated, “needs-everything supplied populations” into our nation? If none of that happened and OUR LEGALLY ENACTED IMMIGRATIONS LAWS WERE FOLLOWED, we wouldn’t have these problems. Our original ancestors INCLUDING MINE came over here with farm and carpenter tools, seeds and farm animals. They didn’t fall off a ship and ask where is the nearest welfare line. We need to RETURN TO THAT AMERICAN TRADITION and PUT THE ARMED MILITARY AT OUR BORDERS, and let them do what needs to be done to protect this nation. It is AN INVASION, PEOPLE! And now WE ARE THE LOSING NATIVE AMERICANS.

  2. You can thank 2 things for this. One the democrats who believe open borders and releasing criminals into the public is the way to go and think disarming the people and destroying the constitution make things safer. Second is the morons who think putting these democrats in charge of everything is good. New York is getting just what they voted for and wanted. Don’t have the least bit of feelings for them. They wanted it and they got it.

    • As a Californian, and a staunch conservative, while I do share your sentiment towards the left, I don’t totally agree with your conclusion. Yes, a lot of, in fact perhaps even a majority of, voters in New York probably are getting what they asked for. But let’s not forget that there are conservatives living there as well, and they are truly victims through no fault of their own. Having such animosity towards the entire city simply because there are a number of leftists residing there is akin to the left’s infamous practice of dealing only in absolutes. As long as there are good people living in New York, we should never wish harm on them. And, as we’ve seen by the recent election results, a lot of those who voted left in the past have not continued to do so. We need to encourage these people to see the light, not attack them for past errors in judgement. If places like New York are ever going to reject the leftist hell that has consumed it, the conservatives residing there will be critical to its salvation, not conservatives in other states.

      • It’s not the state or the cities, it’s the Governor and Mayors. They are totally worthless and have their own agenda – screw the people and what they want while they themselves are getting wealthier and more powerful. Of course, there are also those that keep voting these incompetents back in. This is from an ex-Californian as of 1994 due to the cost of living back then. The politics has gotten out of control since and the once beautiful state is now a cess pool. I don’t wish harm on the residents but I do wish for accountability of those responsible for the corruption.

  3. The democrats voters are too stupid to realize the democrat party, of old, is nonexistent. The Democrat party has become a socialist/communist party that plans the total destruction of the USA. And, the people that vote for them are complicit.

  4. The governor is a delusional, idiot, that has no idea how to run Gotham City, it’s beyond her capacity. Send in the military, nothing to see here, fkg delusional people, it’s a war zone, and dangerous as hell, Hochul is lying to the public, and needs to be removed, for total incompetence. The dumbocraps are the danger, they are clueless, what the people need, and what is really going on. Total danger for riders, if no law enforcement.

  5. Cuckoo Kathy Hochul rode the subway with an entourage of armed police and TV reporters, then she declared the subway safe. On the very same day, 2 people were killed on the subway. One lady was set on fire. Cuckoo Kathy will NEVER ride the subway alone, with no protection. She could get punched, stabbed, or pushed onto the tracks. Cuckoo Kathy is a clueless, useless, stupid c**t. If she had a brain, she’d resign.


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