Three ARMED Young Teenagers FIND OUT After Trying To ROB WRONG Law Abiding Texas Man On Christmas



That female ‘reporter’ said nothing about the man being robbed by 4 armed people.

What about the victim????

This is how crime is truly stopped. When criminals start to fear law abiding citizens.


  1. Agreed.I also agree with charging the parents with armed robbery, assault and child endangerment. Lock them and the uneducated kids up.

  2. Set the EXAMPLE !!!!!
    Young or not they still know right from wrong. It might sound horrible and barbaric but let the HANGINGS begin!!!

    Crime should most certainly start coming down.

  3. It’s a shame the 4 thugs were not shot and killed worthless pieces of s*** with bullets in their head and dead.Set it on, George Floyd’s c***, do not repeat their crimes.George floyd has committed no more crimes since rotting in hell

  4. The type of gun is irrelevant and the reporter made a ignorant comment about whether the guns the ‘boys’ used were real or BB guns. IT DOESN’T MATTER YOU FOOLS! If the victim thinks it is a real gun, that is the ONLY thing that matters!

    • I agree with all of the comments. If the boys were carrying real guns or BB guns is a moot point. If they’re carrying YOU have to assume it’s REAL. What…are you supposed to do ask the thugs ” It is a real gun?”. The boys should be held responsible for their actions and go to juvenile hall till they turn 18.
      The parents IF they are neglecting their children should be fined big time for allowing this whole scenario if they were aware.
      This country is becoming lawless, anything goes. When George Floyd was murdered people treated him as a hero and actually built a monument to honor him. what does that teach young boys.
      I am sooo sorry that he died like he did it was wrong in every way. But come on, he was stealing and committing crimes as a young man. Maybe if he had to pay for what he did he might still here.


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