Megyn Kelly Details REAL Reason ABC News and George Stephanopoulos Paid Trump $15 Million to Settle



Next the View. Those disgusting women need to be held accountable.

15 million isn’t enough.the relentless lies and defamation go back years and daily.


  1. After she’d agreed to help Trump shop for a gift for a woman, Carroll testified that he pushed her against a dressing room wall, stamped his mouth onto hers, yanked down her tights and shoved his hand and then his penis inside her while she struggled against him.

    She said she finally kneed him off her and fled.

    In upholding the $5 million judgment in the first trial, U.S. District Judge Lewis Kaplan wrote that the unanimous verdict was almost entirely in favor of Carroll, except that the jury concluded she had failed to prove that Trump raped her “within the narrow, technical meaning of a particular section of the New York Penal Law.”

    Kaplan, who presided over both of Carroll’s lawsuits against Trump, said the definition of rape in the state code was “far narrower” than how rape is defined in common modern parlance, in some dictionaries, in some federal and state criminal statutes and elsewhere.

    Under New York law, a rape finding requires vaginal penetration by a penis. Forcible penetration without consent of the vagina or other bodily orifices by fingers or anything else is labeled “sexual abuse.”

    The judge said the verdict did not mean that Carroll “failed to prove that Mr. Trump ‘raped’ her as many people commonly understand the word ‘rape.’ Indeed … the jury found that Mr. Trump in fact did exactly that.”

  2. Lil’ Georgy stepped in it, didn’t he? Well, he ate enough of Barry’s so he should enjoy the experience. He is a suck-up, march in lockstep sheep of the Left Wing. A tiny , tiny little man. A human Chihuahua, barking viscously and then kicked to death. It would be wise of him to slink off and disappear. He is no longer relevant, as Obambam, his Black Messiah, is a whining joke, shaming black men, when he himself is not even black ( Barry raised in WHITE culture, by white mom and white grandparents but wants to be black soooo bad he will shit on anyone to prove he is) Leave, loosers

  3. Now that Slopadopolous cost ABC $15 million, will they “can” him? Maybe he can go to the PBS “news hour”. He’d fit right in.

  4. I still wonder if this so-called “sexual abuse” even happened…where is the forensic evidence? The witnesses? Why didn’t she report it right away and go to a hospital? With zero forensic evidence, this boils down to her words vs. his, so what can a jury decide here, in a civil trial? Nothing…for all we know, this whole story is made-up…
    Meanwhile, without any real proof, other than a jury’s opinion, Lance, we don’t even know if this event actually happened, or not.

  5. EJ Carroll couldn’t remember the year the alleged “rape” happened. Isn’t that something you would remember? Of course, the alleged “rape” never happened. It’s fiction. She’s making the whole thing up.


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