The View ERUPTS After Charlamagne DESTROYS THEM TO THEIR FACE For Defending Joe Biden’s Pardon



Those women do not give a crap what Hunter did but if one of Trump’s Sons did any of that they would be all over it

Whoopie couldnt handle a black guy telling her she is ridiculous


  1. This Cynk guy is another sanctimonious whatever. Listen to “HIS” other comments about Republicans.
    Hunter is a disgusting pediophile, drug user , business abuser by using DADDY’S name [ he couldn’t get a job otherwise] , felonies with a gun poccession by drug convictions , and a liar.

  2. I never heard of Charlemagne until the 2024 election news. I wonder if Whoopi, et al will so away after inauguration day. They won’t have much to bitch about once things are running smoothly. At least not until the Diddy tapes and Epstein list is released.

    Does anyone think that just because Daddy is pardoning all of Hunter’s crimes since 2014, that Hunter will be able to stay out of trouble? I doubt it. Also, I wonder if Hunter had committed any crimes before 2014? We need to wait until Jan. 20 to find out otherwise Biden would pardon that also, including future crimes.

    • If I heard things right by several constitutional lawyers Biden may not have done Hunter any help by pardoning him. What they are saying that If there are any investigations for more of the Biden family for their overseas business Hunter can be subpena to testify in front of congress against the family and because he was personally pardoned for ALL his crimes he no longer can plead the fifth which means he has to answer truthfully about the rest of the family or be in contempt.

  3. Leslie, I agree. I never heard of Charlamange until the 2024 election. Hunter won’t be able to stay out of trouble for long. I’ll betcha Whoopi has BO plenty, smelly rancid hair and lots of other stuff going on. Hunter’s daddy is a chronic, pathological liar. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, as they say.


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