Biden To PARDON FAUCI!! Liz Cheney & More!



How can you pardon someone before they’re charged!?

If they were innocent, they would not need any pardoning.


  1. This is a blatant admission that these pieces of sht are guilty of crimes, reinforced by the fact that the senile turd feels the need to pardon them, and BTW, he is covering his own a$$ as well, as he KNOWS what he has been doing the last 50 years, imbedded in our ruling class. What a disgrace he and our government have become. Drain the swamp, and start imposing limitations on the avenues for them to have lifelong access to the government. For example, the ROTTEN ex-mayor of Denver, Co. has started a lobbying firm, for those who want to destroy neighborhoods, businesses and communities by building cheap shit “hoods” . They are all climbing the rotten ladder of self-interest. Trump needs to stop them all. If you are involved in one form of government, then you must step out and stay out for a lifetime. That way rot removes itself by being banned from going further. DENVER IS A SHIT HOLE, thanks to ex-mayor Michael Hancock, or as I called him Mayor Handjob.

  2. So many people do not know that all the pardons are for criminals that are already dead by execution at Gitmo including the real Biden who was also executed. All the actors or clones playing those executed criminals are there to help take down more of the criminals however, there are some actors/clones that are not good guys that have been put there by either the Democrats/Rinos or Deep State. They are being taken care of as we speak. Kamala was executed, too.

  3. As a federal employee, Anthony Fauci had/has 100% absolute immunity for anything he did. Thus, Fauci, a killer of millions, wants a pardon for his crimes. I’m sure there will be, at least, 400 more pardons.

  4. A pardon for someone not charged sound impossible. Is it possible to pardon someone before they are charged? What if they are never charged? What does that do to the pardon? This sounds like CYA for Biden. Is the whole administration corrupt and needing pardons? What a finale to the worst administration in history. People named Biden will be changing their names legally to avoid disgrace. This is the result of 40 years of government employment and a living Peter Principle example.

  5. Biden the biggest criminal in our history….to pardon any one that
    might be able to bring him down. What a low life he is. Does
    everyone now see the most corrupt politician of all time. Waste of
    flesh he is. Dirty democrats at thier best. Maybe need to deport the
    whole Biden bunch to one of our enemies, that would be fair don’t
    cha think? Biden makes your blood boil over if your not in the tank
    with him……..we can not elect any more democrats…….oh and now
    looks like he is giving Chaney a pardon for her role in the 6th etc.
    And the beat goes on……count the pardons and see the actors that
    were involved in his schemes….sick …sick….sick….this stuff is not
    what pardons are for…he must be stopped by the courts so he may
    be brought to justice for his deeds

  6. Will helping all the real crooks that where wrong in chasing pre Trump now admittee his group ARE crooks and the FBI and DOJ still get to protect them

  7. Fraudci IS a criminal, an animal torturer and a people torturer. He should be hung by the neck until dead. Or strap him to a gurney and do the same things to him that he did to helpless innocent animals. Fraudci is the American version of the infamous Nazi “doctor” Mengele, torturer of Jewish POWs. How can dopey Joe pre-pardon his flunkies, turds and stooges? That to me, is an admission of their guilt.


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