Trans Woman says everyone is wrong



I will not be dragged into the fantasy. There are boys and there are girls. Neither is interchangeable.

$5000 dollars a month in cosmetics is not *health* *care*
and I’m not going to pay for it.


  1. Cutting off body parts and sewing on body parts and taking hormones is not changing genders, it’s just mutilating what you were born with. A male is still a male and a female is still a female. Ask God.

    • Les;ie you are 1000% correct. It is mutilation and it dose nothing to change what you where born as. God made two persons. Male and female. Male was created first then female was made from one of the males ribs. They will learn the truth when they face the Creator. Brace for a major shock on that day.

    • Hi… I’m not mean… As a matter of fact I am sure I am a male in a female body. However, I think people that change gender are being sold a bill of goods. They are castrating themselves and going thru all kinds of torture… If you believe in reincarnation, then why not think it is what it is and wait for the changes. What is the rush? I am a Christian and I believe life goes on after this life and we will have plenty of time to make changes. I mean the right way.

  2. TRANS WOMAN? That term is so misleading. To me, it says women were the ones trans’d, not men. We should start referring to these sickos as TRANNYBOYS!

  3. Well said Leslie. I’ve said all along that you’re born a male and you die as a male. Born a female, you die as a female regardless of what you do to your body or what you call yourself!

    • People don’t understand the problem because it is only a small, very small segment of the population that came here this way… You don’t think it is possible because it is not your world but I really wish you would hold your strict criticism and realize that what you have is ONLY an opinion. Yes, we are women and men and if not surgery that is how our bodies will remain but there is also a spiritual content. And I wish people wouldn’t make it so hard on everybody.

    • Yes. You are what you are on the cellular level. If you believe otherwise, get your thinking process fixed. Maiming specific organs is not going to change your gender. You will still be what you are on a cellular level but you will also be trying to fool yourself and others. Your brain needs fixing, not your body.

  4. I have a solution for sports teams… Why don’t trans people have their own teams? If they are not ashamed and they shouldn’t be, why not?

  5. Everyone that commented is right
    I suggest a group meeting and all your congress man to change laws throughout the whole ISA
    You are people just like me and you
    Your sexual preference should be your own with no prosecution by police or the courts or society
    You should have the same rights as anyone
    There should be no judgement
    God/Jesus will do that when you die

  6. I believe that Roland nailed it, I have always stated that it is a mental issue. In fact when Trump came out against trans people serving in the armed forces I supported that policy. My thinking is that if a person cannot accept what is obviously real I do not trust their judgment especially with a weapon or access to weapons. I love the way that liberals come up with great / misleading slogans, they use the term “ Gender affirming care” when in reality it is gender mutilation pure and simple.


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