The Woke Media Is Having A TOTAL MELTDOWN!!!!



Calling more than half of America racist, misogynist, & Nazis was such a winning strategy.

Who else feels like a dark cloud has been lifted from over The United States ?
Congratulations PRESIDENT Trump!!


  1. F CNN, MSDNC and all the rest of the libtard media. They all need to be cancelled and replaced with media who actually reports the news honestly. They are a big part of the problem in America. They have brainwashed the sheep, to divide our country. Scarborough can’t lose his job fast enough for me. Anyone who takes Joy Reid’s advise, should be committed. Everything is about race, with these goofballs.

    • Hitlery Rotten Clinton, John Kerry, Algore, and Stacy Abrams all denied elections. But they are stupid and supported by idiots. The Spew witches said so yesterday. No one wants to have sex with a White communist bitch that gets her “ideas” from a crack whore on TV

  2. For many years, the media has been paid big fat bribes to NOT print certain news. Obama was big on paying off the media to not print. The media got used to being bribed to either print or not print, mostly to not print, and lost all sense of Free Speech, truth or the function of news reporting. Can we make it a crime to pay any media entity or person to NOT print news? These unhappy media figures are really crying about all the fat payments they will no longer receive for suppressing/concealing news and providing news that is just a lie, aka disinformation. That last SNL parody was just more despicable disinformation. Wonder how much K. Harris’ campaign paid.

      • demon-rats HATE women, blacks and free thinking people. Kumalot Harrass is NOT middle class or black. nutty Nancy, Chucky, barry boy obama choose your nominee. YOU didn;t get to vote in Chicago. That was the rich elites. Does THAT sound like democracy? HELL NO

  3. Please keep spewing this message and more! We need this for the next election in two years. We need you to distance even more people from the left so we can expand the house and Senate’s majority. Don’t forget to mention the men taking over women’s sports, the children sex changes, EV mandates, Russia, Russia, Russia…all work well with the American people. Please keep it up, we need a larger majority to be filibuster proof. LOL

      • and to think, the GARBAGE will clean up this socialist evil empire? Talk about flipping the script? “We can do all things, through Christ, that strengthens us”. DEO VINDICE

  4. I’m so happy Trump won, it was a beautiful day when they announced it. The media had to choke back their words, so sad.
    Now if the media and celbs etc who called him, and us every name under the sun, would apologize then maybe we can stand getting the country back to what our forefathers wanted this country to be.

    • free yourself and your state from the abusive control freaks that are still here. Make them give up their oxygen habit. I yearn to breathe free again. No more entangled with the evil in the world.

  5. Cackling Kammy blew $1 billion on her campaign. She had movie stars rooting for her, the Clintons and the Obummers too. It didn’t work. She lost in a landslide. Ha ha. How sweet it is.

  6. Gender, race, ethnicity, etc. are personal traits. They are not qualifications. If we really care about equality, we would make sure every diverse candidate is qualified. The only way to overcome sexism, racism, etc, is to prove that diverse individuals are capable of performing successfully. Not someone with a history of plagiarism, not showing up to work, blaming others, and professional shortcuts that I am too polite to list. Maybe do some homework beyond checking the WOKE boxes.

  7. America is breathing a sign of relief.


    And their blowhards keep on blowing.

  8. San Francisco Jewish leftists at the Fromm institute at Univ of San Francisco, which has fascinating 8 week courses taught by leading intellectuals on amazing subjects, today heard John Rothmann, formerly of San Francisco’s KGO Radio leftist broadcasts, say of the election, “This hurts me more than I can say”. The entire audience of hundreds of elderly refugees from the nearby Jewish Community Center, was uniformly bummed out.
    How a mob of supposedly smaht guys and gals could willfully want a giggling, water-head affirmative action NOTHING as Commander in Chief is a stunning shock . My camo MAGA hat caused open-mouthed stares. Felt delicious. Start arresting, disbarring, sanctioning these lawyers who attacked Trump. The lawyers are the million-dollar spearhead of the commies.


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