This Swing State Just Confirmed It Won’t Have Election Results on Election Day



Do I smell corruption in the air?

I’m in Michigan, our Secretary of State is as far left as you can get so get out and vote! Too big to rig! Trump 2024!


  1. I think our elections have been stolen in Michigan since 2018. I looked back at 2018 election after it was stolen in 2020. In 2018 Whitmer, Nessel, and Benson all won but we elected a Republican Majority in the Michigan house and senate. People don’t vote from the bottom up. Most people vote a straight ticket. I know a lot of us were surprised when these three (all backed by George Soros) won in 2018. I believe they were place in office to help with the steal in 2020. A small county in Northern Michigan, Antrim County went to the Democrats but it has always been historically Republican. One private citizen hired and attorney to investigate a local election. The governor, attorney general and secretary of state fought tooth and nail to prevent a forensic audit in this county but one brave judge ordered it to be done, not on just the area the person questioning the local vote but forensic audit on the machines in the entire county. The governor, attorney general and secretary of state tried to get this overturned. When unsuccessful, the SOS had all the voting machines in that county moved to a central area and locked them away from the auditors. The auditors had to get a court order to get access to those machines. I am under the understanding that in a national election the acceptable voter error rate is 0.008 percent. The forensic audit in Antrim County in 2020 showed an error rate of 68.5 percent! They were unable to duplicate the election in that county. It is my understanding the votes are supposed to be kept in the machine for a minimum of 22 months after and election but here is was not even six weeks after the election and the votes had been deleted from the machine. The governor and AG said if anyone said the election was stolen, they would be arrested and put in jail because “this is the safest election we have ever had”. Can you imagine what could have been discovered if every county had a forensic audit? I would love to have seen the forensic audit of Wayne County. Then in 2022 most Michiganders were fed up with Whitmer because of the COVID lock downs. We all expected these people to be removed from office. But no, they all won and for the first time in over 50 years our state house and senate was a democrat majority. I looked at the voting map in the wee hours of the morning on November 9th, 2022, (the election was the 8th), every county in Michigan was red except for a very small blue square in Grand Rapids, Lansing, Flint and Detroit. So with the whole state being red, how on earth did the democrats win every office that was up for grabs in the state? CHEATING. I believe the reason they can’t have a tally of votes on election day like we have always done except in 2020 when Benson changed all the rules without the backing of our state legislature, is continuing to break the rules by not being able to manage having a total count by the end of election day. We will have ten days of early voting plus election day. How is it that they can’t have the information to determine a winner on election day? I think they have a plan in place that if Trump wins it gives them 24 hours to mess with the vote to swing it in favor of the democrats, after all they have been doing this since 2018. They all need to be thrown out of office!


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