Real Haitians EXPOSE The Truth About Eating Dogs And Cats!



So Trump was telling the truth

Thanks to the Haitian for the honest interview.


  1. That is totally disgusting. Chicken, turkey and duck, those are not family pets, cats and dogs are our pets, our family members. You are not in Haiti, you are here in the United States and cats are pets. Go back home where you belong and eat cats there. You guys are freaking disgusting. I hope Biden and Harris rotten hell for letting these damn illegals over here. If they are eating people’s pets here, I hope one of them has rabies. Sick bastards

    • Yes, chicken, turkey, and ducks are pets to many people. So are cows and pigs. Eating cats and dogs is not only in Haiti.

    • Sadly no, the citizens have been regulated to victims to be stolen from, and the third world trash is here to keep the criminal elites in power, period!

  2. No , if you are a conservative your voice means nothing. These people come over here illegally and we are expected to adapt to their culture rather than vice versa. If this invasion is not stopped, our country is ruined.

  3. The demented guy Biden keeps reading off the teleprompter, that is who we are, a third world hell-hole nation, bribing third world criminals to break our laws and vote democrat! That is what the citizens voted for and are getting ready to vote for again, the destruction of America. Stop whining and reap your stupidity!

  4. Joey’s been reading his script since day one, January 20, 2021.
    What I cannot fathom, yet, is how diminishing us to sell us to the Chinese for a nickel will help anyone.
    The converse is nearly unspeakable, that Biden he/they are so incompetent that this four years just revealed how stupid they are/we (the liberals) for electing him.

  5. The stupid ones are those of you for believing all the lies and stories Trump has the to say. A five year old with some smarts would know enough to say “Something is wrong with that man”.People come to this country for the freedom that we enjoy, the freedom that Trump will take away if ( God forbid ) he gets in. How can you have a president who turns people against one another, wants to get rid of the Constitution, has for his friends dictators, sent covid testing to Putin when Americans couldn’t get any, wants to be a dictator. Read Project 2025 & count your blessings that you live in the USA. Trump is so proud of provoking Jan 6 Is this the leader you look up to? If you think he is REALLY looking after the common citizen, THINK AGAIN…He’s only going to take care of his rich friends. Are you one of them? Wake up people, before it’s too late. And remember this, ALL of our families were immigrants at one time, that’s what makes this country great. And while I’m at it, Trump got his slogan MAGA from another dictator, Hitler, yes Hitler. His slogan was Make Germany Great Again. And you know how that turned out.

  6. What a load of drivel! Forget names, compare which party improved our country and it’s citizens well being. You do not need to like Trump but just compare what he achieved for us as a nation. Including fools like yourself.

  7. this is the same as when the Viet Nam people came to orange county. CA.
    They ate dog and they would eat pets until they found that was not acceptable and then went to the animal shelters and bought them.
    We passed a law to stop than and that was the end of that. Eventually
    they found the dogs and cats were pets not food. Not their fault but they learned the hard way.


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