‘The View’ Hosts Surprised by Kamala’s Shameful Exploiting of Hurricane Victims for Politics



Man she is sickening!!

What bothers me most is there are so many brilliant women of color in the US and you’re telling me, kh is the best?
Not a chance!


  1. What does it take to open the minds of the ladies of this country? We see in the news where the VP is trashing the younger generation of the country. She has called them STUPID. She lies about issues with medical issues with women in regards to femal health care. She has been caught lying about how she supports different groups when indeed she trash them in private. She trashed a prospective supreme court nominee yet when her HUSBAND is accused by multiple women of female physical abuse there is the sounds of crickets. Not a single question is raised by a single female group in regards to her husbands ABUSE of women, WHY?

  2. charles agree with you 100 percent and more
    and the fake accents is insulting also
    and never had a child, maybe abortion(s)
    and what % did she graduate from in college of 300 students,

  3. I hate that flake. It’s unbearable to listen to her speak and cackle. Didn’t SHE just declare herself a candidate? There was no primary election. Black folks and women are all supposed to automatically vote for Cackles, no matter how dumb, stupid and incompetent she is.

  4. Earth to Kammie: Your days are numbered. Finally America is learning what a fake and a phony you truly are. Can’t wait to see your cute little butt GO DOWN on November 5 … No more CACKLING, no more of that lying CLOWN who bows at your feet, no more UUUUUU. Your ticket is the worst submitted in US Political History.

    Best advice for You? Make that important call to the execs at the Adult Video industry, and start a career in your new NICHE. Call your buddy AOC, and get her to go to casting with you. A Girl-Girl pic with her, and BOTH of you will have a blockbuster hit on your hands ! haaaaaaa

  5. The VP is NOT in the chain of command. The VP has nothing to do with hurricane relief. That’s why Ron DeSantis refused to take her call. Then Cackles became miffed and blamed DeSantis. Duh.

  6. Women who are going to vote for her. Ask yourselves just who are you voting for. What does cackles stand for absolutely nothing good. Just look at her record and stop believing MSM lies. Oh wait you are voting for her because you love to murder babies and are going against the one who created you- GOD. You are truly disgusting.

  7. For all we know, Cackles may have had several abortions. That’s why she’s so obsessed with providing abortions. Many idiots will vote for her just because (1) she’s a woman and (2) she’s a Democrap. Nothing else matters.


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