She used to be way worse when she was on FOX when Trump was president. Many people had commented on it. I think she had speech therapy or something. It’s better than it was but it’s still annoying. I like when Harold Ford is on instead. They also have Kennedy on in the Dem seat, but she’s a Republican (former independent).
trumps talks to the people about the stuff that is being brought up. walz opens his pie hole and trashes trump. thats all he can do. hes has nothing to bring to the table but trash talk
ugh I cannot stand jessica’s voice.
She used to be way worse when she was on FOX when Trump was president. Many people had commented on it. I think she had speech therapy or something. It’s better than it was but it’s still annoying. I like when Harold Ford is on instead. They also have Kennedy on in the Dem seat, but she’s a Republican (former independent).
trumps talks to the people about the stuff that is being brought up. walz opens his pie hole and trashes trump. thats all he can do. hes has nothing to bring to the table but trash talk
Yikes, I can’t wait until you are all swept out for true conservatives and there’s a return to actual Republicans!