Resurfaced Video Of Kamala Harris Saying We’re Going To Walk Into Your Home & Check Your Guns



pretty sure just walking into someone’s home is how you get shot

They may walk into peoples homes, but they won’t walk out.


  1. This is one of the stupidest things this quack has said. But then SHE won’t be doing it will she? She doesn’t care who gets killed doing illegal entries for an illegal purpose.

  2. There’s just one slight problem. The 4th Amendment guards against unreasonable searches and seizures. Correct, She doesn’t care who gets killed while doing the illegal searches and seizures.

  3. More and Too Much More of the same TRUMPashitous lies from the WRONG Too Far FAR Right Wing 🪽 of the Right Wing 🪽 of America 🇺🇸 🤮😱

    • IF we don’t hang together, we most assuredly will hang separately. WE outnumber THEM 1000 to 1. 48 million firearms have been purchased in the last 4 years. Average 1 million per month. That is not stupid people doing that…. they can read the 2nd amendment

  4. During the height of the Covid hysteria, dopey Joe burped that he’d send the “vaccine police” from door to door to make sure everyone was jabbed. He couldn’t do that either. The pesky 4th Amendment got in his way.

  5. We don’t need some first generation immigrant from India or the Dominican Republic trying to disarm us native Americans. Such a fool’s errand will not end well.

    • how did you do after the 8 years of the communist half breed from Kenya? Our corrupt gov’t. does not know the law very well, IF at all

  6. This is one very ignorant, and stupid woman, to say such a idiotic thing. U would get shot , in 9 out of 10 places, for breaking and entering, and u getting shot would be legal. Americans will not be disarmed in this lifetime, unless u want a civil that u can’t win.


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