The Nancy Pelosi situation just got so much crazier.



Who else can’t stand Nancy Pelosi ?

And how is what Milley did, not treason?


  1. All of the democrat lies are being proven as such. There must be accountability for their actions. Milley and Pelosi along with the mayor of DC, should all be facing treason charges. What’s the punishment for treason again? Just like those 51 liars, who said Hunters laptop was Russian disinformation, should have their pensions revoked. These people are not “above the law”. Isn’t that what the demoncrats have been saying for the past four years? It’s time to prove it.

  2. Pelosi and Silly Milley are traitors. On January 6th, he was probably sitting in a lotus position in his office at the Pentagon “reflecting on his White rage,” (his words) whatever that is. Where are these two coming from? They are bringing down the country, and they must know it. I don’t think they don’t have and plan to escape the mayhem to save themselves and leave the citizens, from whom they stole their power and wealth, to suffer the dire consequences. I would like to know their escape plans. Bill Gates built a phenomenal dream bomb shelter and Zuckerman followed suit by building one in Hawai’i.

  3. I would like to know why the democrats are trying so hard to bring socialism or Marxism to the United States. I don’t think they understand the repercussions of this. It would affect them as well as everyone else. The disgusting way the democrats are lying and making up stories is shameful. We are the laughing stock of the world now because of Democrat schemes. I used to be a Democrat, but there is no way on God’s green earth that I would ever vote Democrat again. They definitely are the sewer in Washington. Let’s clean the sewers and get our beautiful country back to reality. All the illegal immigrants should be bused to Nancy Pelosi and Kamala Harris property.

    • There is only one way these people will ever pay for their crimes. I can’t post it because I would be saying what everybody else is thinking.

  4. Seriously folks the Marxists democrats in our corrupted government are never held accountable for their criminal behavior…ever!
    Yes, they should be, but it will never happen, and even if it made to the courts the government courts will just administer a wrist slapping!


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