Kamala LOSES MORE Black Support After DISASTROUS DNC!



I’m sick of the democrats. This will be my first time voting republican this November

All I can say is Thank God people are waking up!


  1. First of all, Harris lied about herself being black to draw more of the black voters. She lied about this and lies more about everything. She gives nothing but the false hope to the American people to get more vote. She had done nothing in 3.5 years for the America as the VP.

  2. Her record as dopey Joe’s VP speaks for itself. She was part of dopey Joe’s disastrous policies that wreaked harm on America. Now she wants us to believe she can solve the problems that she helped create. She’s not even a half-wit. She’s a cackling idiot. Vote for Trump.

  3. Let’s hope you’re right, that people are waking up. This election needs to be too big, to rig. It must be a landslide, to show the demoncrats that we’re finished with their garbage. Too many brainwashed sheep in America.

  4. Correct. The election needs to be too big to rig, like they did in 2020. I’ll never believe dopey Joe won the election without fraud. I’m what they refer to as an election denier.

  5. i stopped voting along party lines in 1994 in Chicago – when i walked into vote and THEY HANDED ME A DEMOCRATIC BALLOT! Insulted that they assumed because I was Black I would automatically vote Democrat. I asked for a Republican ballot. THEY HUDDLED and finally said “WE DON’T HAVE ANY, IT WOULD BE ABOUT 2 HRS BEFORE THEY COULD GET ONE !! (polls would be closed then!) I asked “What do you have?” ‘An independent’ … I was told. I voted for them, and since that time I voted for THE BEST CANDIDATE – WHICH HAS BEEN 90% REPUBLICAN … AND THAT’S WHO I’LL VOTE FOR AGAIN – Mr. TRUMP !!

    • I always supported Pres Trump. I lived 15 miles from Rehoboth and have known for years about the corrupted “now treasonous” former Senator. I couldn’t help but think when the Special Investigator gave him a warning notice they were coming to Delaware to look for items. (Like a warning order in the Army). But President Trump wasn’t home when they sent an FB-Lie Swat Team into Maralago. Pres Trump was/is covered under the Presidential Records Act. Bribem isn’t covered and should be charged with Treason and RICO VIOLATIONS. Collecting cash and gratuities from our enemies for favors (allowing spy balloons to traverse our military bases). Mr Hur was nice and knocked on Bribem’s door. They found documents in 4 different UNSECURE LOCATIONS. BRIBEM told Hur about his book he’s got a “GHOST WRITER” working on. He gave him classified documents. This “ghost” gave Bribem an $8,000,000 advance on the book! Was this writer Chairman XI of China? And he had no security clearance! This is also illegal! (I had a clearance in the Army). Bribem should be headed to Leavenworth: mishandling/selling Federal Documents??? Hur should be arrested for not charging him! But Hur said the poor old guy isn’t okay enough to go to court: BUT HE CAN BE ASSISTANT TO BORRACK OBAMA IN THE WHITE HOUSE! Obama is the one calling the shots! Kamala can’t even tie her lying shoes! She will just sign EO’s for Obama. I’d rather see Monica LEWINSKI in the Oval Office. She know’s much more about that Presidential desk! And what about the laptop? 51 Intel Analysts signed their names on a Federal Letterhead stating Hunter’s laptop was Russian mis-information. The FB-Lie knew in March 2020 that it was 100% straight-up Hunter. They even helped rig Facebook and others like those 51. Where are the subpoenas and arrests? This is rigging a Federal Presidential Election. This calk’s for Leavenworth.


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