Old White Guy Did Not Hold Back in Front of Black People



“Why should I tell her, because she knows”


They call him racist. But they don’t call him wrong.


  1. Ooga Booga.

    Work hard all your days after you hit Ellis Island running for your life and all you have to show for it when you retire is a Sunday stroll on your Hover-Round at the park, bring menaced by a retarded, mentally ill FREAK.

    And he didn’t even have a lousy little plastic bucket to PUKE in.


  2. I don’t see any other race singled out as the black community the “African American”. Why don’t we hear other nationalities singled out also. I never hear Polish people always being called “Polish Americans”, or Germans being called “German Americans” or English people called “English Americans” now why is that!!! If you want to talk about systemic racism, lets start with that. Who promotes this, media and government, what a huge surprise. Keep the people divided and fighting amongst themselves to keep the heat off of those bastards at the top that are ruining our entire world!!!

  3. Gosh, you are right. I was born in 1936 Norwich, on the West Side. We
    had a terrific mix of people living there then. People of all races and nationalities. I actually remember all those people. Honestly, we didn’t refer to them other than by their actual names. It was just a natural way to talk with them or about them.

    I lived next door and across the street from people of other “races”. But we talked with them: Italians, Greeks, Polish, Jewish, Russian, Blacks, and even Chinese. It was just natural to talk with all of them.

  4. Back Before the internet and smart phones that do nothing but make people stupid (Which is why I refuse to own one to this day and still have a flip phone) back before satan inspired these society destroying devices people used to be neighborly and talk to each other in person sitting on our stoops. I remember being in the clubs back in the early 90s and everyone was in there dancing and having a good time. Blacks, Whites, Asians, you name it. Nobody was fighting, it was wonderful. People enjoying each others company no matter who and what their skin color was….Fast forward to 2024…Now you have social media taking the social out of life. Because of this crap people today are Haters, scammers, hackers, Authorities on every subject and arm chair warriors and know it alls about everything that ever existed. Piss on this life, Jesus is coming back soon anyway and all this insane $H!T will come to an end!….Hallelujah! Amen! I may not be ready to stand before you Lord but I don’t care anymore! I just want This insanity to come to an end! Come quickly Lord! Please! I Pray and beg of you! Clean this mess up! for all of us who truly care!

  5. Fifty years ago most neighborhoods worked together for the common good . It seems to me that success was more important than their skin color or their accent. When the government started giving away money for asinine reasons alot of people became real righteous. SAD


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