Peter Doocy: Kamala walked this back immediately



This woman should not be running as President of our country

The moment shes is allowed to open her mouth unscripted,she starts destroying her campaign. There’s a reason they’re not asking her questions.


  1. harris is a dam joke. She has no clue what the hell is going on. She is so out of touch with reality, she is an ignorant, babbling, flip=flopper, hypocrite, that isn’t president material at all.

  2. Kamala Harris like many other COMMUNIST DICTATORS when they talk people see exactly who they are and what they are all about.
    1. Screw over our allies.
    2. Screw over the American people with unconstitutional PRICE CONTROLS.
    3. Shafting healthcare users by repositioning program money.
    4opening the borders and allowing any and all in just to see if illegals will vote for her. Additionally using these same people to ruin CITIES and job availability for citizens. Yes folks and the list goes much further than this. VOTE KAMALA AND GIVE AWAY YOUR COUNTRY.

    • and the cowards in socialist Amerika #1 do NOT resist #2 continue to fund them #3 do NOT know history and how to SEPARATE from the abuses (1776 & 1861) #4 have the 2nd amendment but know NOT what it is for or how to use it. #5 know not that the unGREATful SOCIETY is 60 years old & has cost the DSSA (Divided Socialist STATE of Amerika) $23 trillion & don’t care #6 “believe” you are free, because your “massa” has told you so? There is nothing more pitiful, than a slave, that believes he is free, that cannot prove he is free. Has to ask or pay for “permission” to do anything in Amerika. Even the French protest, W/O guns, is more effective than us. They shut down Paris, TWICE for a ONE DOLLAR a day, parking tax, for scooters?? mo-ped riders? put YOU to shame? Who is the sissy now? I know the answer to that! Lincoln destroyed the republic in 1865. Then the insurrection Nov. 22 1963 make us an oligarchy “those with the gold (corps.) make the rules. Enjoy your fake freedom, elect fake people/sheeople. vote for the communism half breed AGAIN !

  3. Why is nobody talking about Walz? His state poisoned a whistleblower at a government funded hospital and then Walz and Ellison cover it all up by destroying documents and rigging the courts

  4. The reason Harris does not do any public speaking is because she can’t remember what she lied about and getting caught! I wouldn’t allow her to keep my dog (if I had one!)


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