Biden JUST SHOCKED the world | Israel ATTACK incoming!!


Joel Pollack – Writer and journalist for Breitbart News. The agenda. What Trump should do in the first 100 days.


It’s not Biden running the show, it’s Obama and his handlers

Anyone who thinks Harris can do the job, needs to see a doctor.


  1. Hidenbiden and harris are nothing but traitors to america. Both these incompetent, failures, need to be removed from office, immediately.they are a danger, to our country and national, security at the border.

  2. I completely agree. They.. Biden ..Obama.. Clinton.. and Harris are trying to destroy as much that they can. I am not sure when the government..who should be included with the above
    Hasn’t t stopped these people somehow!!! WHY???

  3. It is totally insane that a man that a man who is too senile to stand trial for Classified document theft, and too senile to run for office is cognitive enough to run the biggest economy in the world. Politics has overtaken sanity. The vp, running for president is totally incompetent for the job. This is ignored by half the people in the US. No discussion of accomplishments is ongoing. The election campaign is relegated to who is or is not black!!!!!!!!!!! Are we better off than we were 4 years ago? We are a nation of millions dependent on a strong military and a strong financial system. The Democrats have worked hard for years to destroy both. Does anyone in their right mind actually believe Harris is a leader? Will her administration revert to control by those who have dictated senile Biden’s administration? She certainly does not have the skill to lead on her own. This election is make or break for the US, not just Trump. He can pack up his money and leave. We can’t do that.

    • You are 1000 percent correct .
      Only Democrat cult fall for this intellectually challenged person ! Can’t call her a woman because libs don’t know what a woman is !! Just ask the supreme court judge!!

      • Who knows, they could have all had sex changes and what you see is not what you get. Of course the brain, or lack of, would be the same-o. How did so many voters get so dumb? What don’t or can’t they see? What exactly was in their Kool-Aid? I am just amazed that so many have been brainwashed/indoctrinated that their own brain didn’t try to fight back.

  4. 1,000 years rule by Jesus is coming very soon. — As soon as the 1,000 years have ended, Satan will be released from his prison.—Rev. 20:7– At the end of the 1,000 years, Satan will be released from his confinement. He will then try to mislead perfect humans. During that test, all perfect humans on earth will have an opportunity to show clearly where they stand on the issue of God’s name and sovereignty. (Rev. 20:8-10) Their individual responses to Satan’s efforts will determine whether their names should be written permanently in the book of life. Some, an unspecified number, will prove to be like Adam and Eve, rejecting Jehovah’s rulership. What will happen to them? Revelation 20:15 tells us: “Whoever was not found written in the book of life was hurled into the lake of fire.” Yes, these rebellious ones will be completely destroyed forever. But the majority of perfect mankind will pass this final test which means that they will have eternal life.
    If you have questions, please ask or email me with your questions/doubts; [email protected]. I can answer ANY question you may have about the Bible and I use the Bible to answer such questions. Any help I can provide is always free as is commanded in the Bible. I depend upon Him for what I need; not you. If you wish to study the Bible, I can direct you to a FREE Bible study course that you can enjoy in your own home. Please request the link to study the Bible in your home via email.

  5. I hope and pray people listen to The Lord’s calling and not the calling of man. As man has screwed up since the beginning of time it takes a God who is long suffering and wishes that no one perishes. There is a limit to His patience and it is called JUSTICE. The Lord’s righteousness and patience will only be present it seems for a short time due to man’s sinful and evil hearts. Come Lord Jesus come quickly.


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