“Who was on that WATER TOWER?” 10 Witnesses Come Forward | Redacted with Clayton Morris



A dead gunman… a dead spectator, two more injured…a stray bullett from trump…Yet nobody talks about a ballistics match.

Trust the FBI? Are you nuts? Trust the Secret Service? Are you nuts ?


  1. Offer at $10,000,000 reward for the identity of the shooter on the water tower and we will know who it was very soon.

  2. That shooter had to be the one who shot two different bullets, to the podium, where Trump was shot at.

  3. I have one question. Even though Ms. CHEATEL has resigned from being the head of the SS does she still get a Retirement Check? Seems like any time one of these folks steps down they always collect a tidy retirement check.

    • Very good point; “head of the SS” – cause she sure is not head of the SECRET service. Seems there was an organization during WWII that used the same tactics as she uses.

  4. Dept. head of the FIBbers, Chris Wray said there were 8 shell casings recovered by the shooter’s body. He did NOT know IF the gun had a scope. total incompetence.. at every turn, for MANY years…. JFK, Waco, Ruby Ridge, Oklahoma City, WTC #1, WTC #2 Sept, 11 and many you know not of? Amerika is corrupt, evil, doomed. The world is laughing, “we” are a joke. cowards, knaves

  5. That thing in the pic is an air vent hood,…. the tank has to breathe,…. as for Lynette,…. biden hasn’t released the audio of the mental exam, the most important part Comrade Lynette,….as for seeing the bullet wound, many of us have seen bullet wounds before, and when they were still leaking blood,…. like on the side of Trumps head,….and some of us Old soldiers have seen them on ourselves, and really aren’t Interested, in seeing his Wound or reading your Propaganda, Child

    • Hey Rick, Biden is gone, so the audio is irrelevant now. But anything about trump is very relevant. The FBI says it was a bullet. Specifically on his ear. So the hospital couldn’t release that information? trump wouldn’t allow them to. We only got BS reports back when he was a candidate the first time, and nothing believable since. Nothing like the details we have on other candidates and presidents.

      I guess we now know why he didn’t release his taxes!

      Yeah, but you both read and responded to my “propaganda” Rick.

  6. With all the questions I would bet the whole thing is a HOAX! donnie needs some sympathy! If it was real donnie would have shown us his “terribly” wounded ear. We will see the ear about the same time we see his income taxes!

  7. So the man who is dead and the people injured are a part of a hoax? Should we ask the family of the dead firefighter? Wow! How many in our government have supplied a HOAX? We could fill up a page and then some. All you have to do is see what World Leaders think of America to realize they do not respect us under the current administration. Wake Up before it’s to late. As the people from Venezuela and other countries will tell you. Don’t be sheep lead astray by the government. Follow Jesus. He will show you the truth and it will set you free. John 8:32


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