Catastrophic disaster’: Biden tries to speak ‘without a teleprompter’



This is the longest the U.S.A. has gone without a president.

He’s the walking dead.


    • for 60 years, every Amerikan city has had a Gaza strip, money goes in, only HATE comes out. We need to defund the unGREATful SOCIETY and the Gestapo. Both abuse the working taxpayers here

  1. Biden is not capable of finishing out this term much less another 4 years. He needs to be in a nursing home and 1st Bixxch needs to be in jail for elder abuse. She is pushing the old man to do what he is truly incapable of doing.

  2. dangerous, scary, and a THREAT TO THE COUNTRY AND THE ENTIRE WORLD, esp. russia, china, and n korea
    25th amendment NOW
    jill guilty of elderly abuse

  3. The country is in serious trouble, Biden to to step down now. He can’t speak correctly without a teleprompter. Jill needs to be put behind bars for elder abuse! To bad the election isn’t tomorrow! Trump 2024!

  4. Biden is toast? I don’t think so. Illegal Aliens are getting bogus SS# and drivers licenses. In many battleground states like WI, AZ, and PA have very liberal voting laws allowing these people to vote illegally. It takes only 500,000 votes to throw this election.

    • Colorado also allows illegals to vote. No Driver’s license, or other official ID required. Come in on election day with a utility bill, claim you are the named person, and you vote! Brought to you by the Democratic Party!

  5. Dr Jill is an evil person. I’m actually starting to feel sorry for old Joe. It would be easier, if he wasn’t a criminal. Anyone who votes for this feeble, compromised man, should be taking a cognitive test. We can’t have a part time president.

  6. The real enemy is the hidenbiden, and his corrupt administration of incompetent, minions and traitors. Karma is about to ascend, on these American hating, traitors, replacing the population of criminal illegals, because they know the american people, have abandoned their party, and will vote them out for good. Party is over, Trump has already won.

  7. Tony, I agree with you. Dopey ol’ Joe needs to be removed immediately. Running for a second term is absolute insanity. Joe is so incapacitated, he needs to be led around by the hand, like a toddler. He couldn’t run a lemonade stand, so how can he run our country? Who’s the real president? It’s Jill, Hunter, and Obummer. Joe is just a brain-dead puppet. I don’t care how Jill abuses Joe. I have no sympathy for him whatsoever. He’s destroying our country.


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