NYC Gets Worse… Shoplifters Raid Costco



NYC = Not Your City… anymore.

Theres no point in giving employees body cams. The thieves won’t be punished


    • Bahahahaha yeah and never get enough of the democrats/ communist mayor’s they elect
      Enjoy the shit hole you live in..

  1. I see Mr Bragg has his grip on the problem. Just charge President Trump with Jaywalking. That should do it! Or do you have to wait for that phone call from the White House Counsel or “In Contempt of Congress Merrimack”?
    If I owned a business in “Not Your City”, I’d shut it down and get on the best thing out of NEW YORK: I-95 South.

  2. This has gotten so out of control all over that I doubt anyone will be able to stop it. No one gets locked up for any length of time thanks to Soros bought and paid for officials and voters don’t care they keep putting this crap back in office.

  3. Thank the deep blue mindset, which is the stupidest mindset, for the inflation across the nation! When the criminals steal we all pay for it in the price to do business! It is time to secede from this corrupt system!
    Then the retards can deal with their own stupidity!

  4. Communism, Socialism, Marxism. That is when the government controls everything in a radical way. This is the bureaucrats, politicians that want the good to be destroyed. Backward thinking. Those are the ones that threaten Democracy. Joe. Those half leaders are pathetic. It’s not even Democracy. That is their word. I call it common sense. Stealing, looting, violence, and then allowing it. No Trump is not Hitler. I do not see him cremating bodies. I do not see gas chambers. I do see Biden and his pathetic regime, lying. Lied about border being secure. Inflation is transitory. Laptop as disinformation. Climate change as the worst threat. Stealing is ok. Lying about what actually happened on January 6. Fact checks needed. CRT, DEI, Woke, transgenderism. Are all a threat to children. Stop it. Lock up doctors that perform these procedures. Planned Parenthood. How can you be a parent if the baby is dead? Ripping arms, and legs, head crushed, selling body parts. Sickening. God despises this evil.


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