Mad Maxine Waters Let The Cat Out Of The Bag!



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Maxines, Pelosis, Bidens, Clintons….names that need to go away


  1. That mouth on Maxine Waters has to be the biggest ever even bigger than a large mouth Bass. No wonder she blabs so much hate in our country with a mouth like that.

  2. Let these clowns into Harvard and no one will ever hire a Harvard graduate again. Christian colleges would be the schools businesses would aspire to hire from.

  3. There is another issue here which very few people are even aware of. There are 1804 prophecies in the Bible, ALL of which come directly from Almighty Jehovah God. The word prophecy means that He has told us what He is going to do AT THE PROPER TIME. Only He knows when that time is. EVERY PROPHECY GIVEN IN THE BIBLE HAS BEEN FULFILLED EXACTLY AS STATED. There are no failed prophecies in the Bible. NONE; of the remaining prophecies, the next one to be fulfilled is the Great Tribulation; Armageddon. The word is associated with “the war of the great day of God the Almighty” in which “the kings of the entire inhabited earth” gather to wage war against Almighty Jehovah God. (Re 16:14, 16; 19:11-21) This ‘war’ is coming quickly and it is the beginning of the end for all those who oppose Almighty Jehovah God (Psalms 83:18). If you have questions, please ask or email me; [email protected]. I can also direct you to a FREE home Bible study course if you have a desire to learn more. Please request the link to the home Bible study course via email.

  4. Go up to Maxine waters, tell her she is not welcome there, go up to her very closely & make her feel uncomfortable, pervert everything she says, call her a liar & a money grabbing thief, make her feel uncomfortable & afraid by moving as a mob up to her. In other words, use her own sick tactics against her, she deserves it!


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