Biden Campaign IMPLODES As Aides GET EXILED For PANICKING Over LOSING & Anti-Trump Strategy FAILING!



Who here is sick of the antiwhitism?



  1. Biden payed the highest price for a extramarital affair by Marrying her (The Nanny). He has no room to call out Trumps “hush money” scandal.

    • I believe Trump over a strip dancer who only makes these alleged accusations when Trump is running for president. Besides she perjured herself. All was quiet since the first campaign and the second! Michael Cohen has been convicted of lying and continues to lie. “Dr.” Jill Biden is the marriage breaker-upper and Joe Biden the cheater. Amazing how the story changes depending on which side of the political aisle. Melania is by far the best First Lady in modern times and will be again. She has a lot of class and is the best First Lady in 2024!

  2. (Great) Tribulation – The Greek word thliʹpsis, usually rendered “tribulation,” basically means distress, affliction, or suffering resulting from the pressures of circumstances. It is used with reference to the affliction associated with childbirth (Joh 16:21), persecution (Mt 24:9; Ac 11:19; 20:23; 2Co 1:8; Heb 10:33; Re 1:9), imprisonment (Re 2:10), poverty and other adversities common to orphans and widows (Jas 1:27), famine (Ac 7:11), and punishment for wrongdoing (Ro 2:9; Re 2:22). The “tribulation” mentioned at 2 Corinthians 2:4 apparently refers to the distress felt by the apostle Paul because of the wrong conduct of the Christians at Corinth and because he had to correct them with severity.
    Marriage Brings Tribulation in the Flesh. When recommending singleness as the better course, the apostle Paul observed: “But even if you did marry, you would commit no sin. . . However, those who do will have tribulation in their flesh.” (1Co 7:28) Marriage is attended by certain anxieties and cares for husband, wife, and children. (1Co 7:32-35) Sickness can bring burdens and stresses on the family. For Christians, persecution may arise; families may even be driven from their homes. Fathers may find it hard to provide life’s necessities for their households. Parents or children may be separated by imprisonment, suffer torture at the hands of persecutors, or even lose their lives.
    Faithfulness Under Tribulation. Tribulation in the form of persecution can have a weakening effect upon the faith of an individual. Christ Jesus, in his illustration of the sower, indicated that certain persons would actually be stumbled on account of tribulation or persecution. (Mt 13:21; Mr 4:17) Being aware of this danger, the apostle Paul was very much concerned about the newly formed congregation at Thessalonica. Those associated with that congregation had embraced Christianity under much tribulation (1Th 1:6; compare Ac 17:1, 5-10) and continued to experience such. The apostle therefore sent Timothy to strengthen and comfort them, “that no one might be swayed by these tribulations.” (1Th 3:1-3, 5) When Timothy brought back news that the Thessalonians had remained firm in the faith, Paul was greatly comforted. (1Th 3:6, 7) Doubtless the apostle’s efforts in preparing them to expect tribulation also helped the Thessalonians to continue to be faithful servants of God.—1Th 3:4; compare Joh 16:33; Ac 14:22.
    Although tribulation is unpleasant, the Christian can exult while enduring it, since he knows that faithfulness is approved by God and will ultimately lead to the realization of his grand hope. (Ro 5:3-5; 12:12) The tribulation itself is but momentary and light in comparison with the everlasting glory to be received for remaining faithful. (2Co 4:17, 18) The Christian can also rest assured that God’s loyal love will never waver, whatever tribulation may come upon the faithful believer.—Ro 8:35-39. — If you have questions, please ask or email me with your questions/doubts; [email protected]. I can answer ANY question you may have about the Bible and I use the Bible to answer such questions. Any help I can provide is always free as is commanded in the Bible. I depend upon Him for what I need; not you. If you wish to study the Bible, I can direct you to a FREE Bible study course that you can enjoy in your own home. Please request the link to study the Bible in your home via email.

  3. I am so sick of the antiwhitism. They are the real racists. It doesn’t have to white against black, it is any race against another. A lot of the anti-white racists are white themselves. Have they looked in the mirror?

  4. What are the dems doing besides losing. I am so sick of this whole crap because they have no campaign and are the stupid ones, not their voters. Mr Biden is a fool, thinks he won in 2020 and thinks he will win a 2nd term. We can’t take another 4 years of Biden and his bagfoons. President trump is by far the winner. He is in his right state of mind. Biden and his lunatics in his cabinet are the biggest idiots. Does anyone think that he would have been able to deal with all the crap that the illegal dems in office have put him through. Biden doesn’t know where he is or who he is at times and his babysitter, Jill, has to save him. They should feel bad about what they are doing to the American voters. He has done a lot of illegal things to not only President Trump , but to the American voters. Tells the Republican voters that we are all Americans and then we are all called names, such as Clinton started calling us deplorables. I would much rather be called that rather than a liar and a cheat, unfaithful and worst of all UnAnerican. I am truly sorry to say that I am truly embarrassed to call him our president because he is such a fool and we don’t need to be laughed at. He is a complete fool.

  5. I’m sorry President Trump didn’t ask him last night where those 51 “NOT SO INTELLIGENCE ANALYSTS” are now? As it was the last debate that Bribem said Hunter’s laptop was Russian Miss-information, and He had a letter signed by 51 of them to prove it. Well now it seem’s the laptop is 100% legit, and enough to sink the crooked Bribem bunch, along with 51 lying employees that could lose their security clearances and face felony charges for frauding a Federal Document! But who dreamed up this idea which rigged the 2020 election and caused the “rightful President” to lose the election? Mark Levin believes several individuals were involved in this “Coup d’Etat” and many were involved: James Comey, Strozk, McCabe, Paige, Clinton! Shiff, Raskin, Pelosi.and others. Time to send them away!


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